Monday, May 11, 2009

A Gift

Life is full of great adventures both exciting and daunting. There will be a lot of experiences; happy, sad, mysterious, and sometimes unacceptable, but it's often fun and worth living for.
As a first time mom I’m really happy to be my baby’s guide in his journey through life. Every day, I watch JC wake up. He inspire me to conquer all my problems and hatred, when I’m down and feeling of hopelessness he relieved me with his cute little smile and warm hug, though he never actually called me as “Mommy” or “Mama” because as of now the only words that he can say is Da-da, and da-di I know in the right time he could say mama too..
Husband and I, we feel so blessed when we have him in our lives.
This cute and lovely little boy is a God given gift for us and indeed we thank him for giving us such opportunity to become parents.


Meg said...

hi! nice to hear from you,too. yup i'm proudly Filipino. May this blogging keep us connected.
God bless!

James said...

hi what a cute baby boy
i wish i have mine